Sports Spread Betting
Massive Profits From Spread Betting
Averaging 243 pts Profit Per Month Profit
World Cup 2018 Offer - 1000 pts target
Stats and Figures For 'Sports Spread Betting'
243 pts
Av Monthly Profit
Strike Rate
2430 pts
Total Profit (Since Aug 2017)
About this service
Sports Spread Betting was launched in August 2017, and since that time it has amassed almost 2,500 points profit in less than ten months.
Although the service has been hugely successful, it has also been a steep learning curve and I now feel that we are in an incredible position to take things forward and service our subscribers in the best way possible.
The football World Cup is just around the corner (it begins on 14 June) and there will be an incredible amount of markets to bet on as bookmakers go all out to get our custom.
I have spent countless hours over the past months preparing statistics from the qualifying stages (and elsewhere) to enable the service to take full advantage during this month.
I am supremely confident that we are in a position to have an absolutely hugely profitable World Cup, and I am aiming to make in excess of 1,000 points profit by the time the final comes around on 15 July.
Sports Spread Betting is operated through Clickbank, therefore, if for any reason whatsoever you are not happy with the service and no longer wish to subscribe, you have a 60-day money back guarantee.
I also provide my own guarantee of a full refund for any month that doesn’t make at least 25 points profit.
What You Can Expect From This Service
Each day you will receive an email from me detailing the trades that I am going to be entering into, and the rationale behind those trades. This will help to form an understanding of the reasons for my selection, and the corresponding statistics that I have to back my selections up.
Asking you to put your trust in me is an enormous thing to do, of that I am fully aware. Therefore, I have created a personal guarantee which I hope adds a lot of comfort and shows the confidence levels of being able to find successful trades. If the selections that I am backing do not make a cumulative 25 points profit a month, there will be a FULL refund issued.
Losses will happen from time to time, this is sport and nothing is a given. However, I would be very surprised if far in excess of 25 points was not made on a monthly basis.
There are a number of different markets within these three sports that I revisit time and again. There are hundreds of markets for each of these sports on a daily basis, with the key to success being to concentrate on a small minority of these, enabling me to have a huge mass of statistics that can easily pinpoint a prospective trade on any given day. I have collated these stats over a number of years and they are an extremely valuable commodity, as without them this service would be impossible.
Sports Spread Betting acts as a subscription service, and upon joining you have access to the daily selections that I am going to be backing with my own money, which you will receive via email on the day of the event (There won’t necessarily be a selection(s) every day). It is often impossible for me to send these selections any earlier, as the spread betting companies usually only release their ‘quotes’ on a particular event, on the day that event actually takes place.
1000 Pts Profit Target For The 2018 World Cup
We are aiming to produce 1000pts profit for our members during the World Cup. With plenty of spread betting opportunities we are confident in reaching our target.
How Does Spread Betting Work?
Liverpool v Man Utd - Buy (meaning you are hoping for the result to be higher than the price you buy at) completed passes at 800 for £1 a point. If the match finishes with 900 passes you win £100. ((900 - 800) x £1). If the match finished on 750 passes you lose £50. ((800 - 750) x £1).
You are able to use stake sizes as low as £0.01 on a lot of the selections, and this allows you to get used to the concept of spread betting if you haven't encountered it previously.
Huge Profits!!
Monthly Points Profit
Aug 17 - 249.55
Sep 17 - 524.45
Oct 17 - 450.45
Nov 17 - 452.85
Dec 17 - 239.75
Jan 18 - 180.10
Feb 18 - (84.00)
Mar 18 - (223.90)
Apr 18 - 726.15
May 18 - (76.65)
Total - 2,438.75
Frequently Asked Questions
How are the selections sent?
Selections are sent via email each day by 11:30am
How Many Bets Per Month?
Sports Spread Betting average around 20-30 bets per month but you can expect more than this during popular sporting events.
Do you offer further support should I require it?
Absolutely, you can contact sports spread betting 7 days a week and they will aim too reply within 24 hours.
What is the recommended starting bank?
We recommend a decent sized starting bank to allow you to enter into the bets and give yourself enough coverage. £200+ would be sufficient
What Type of bets do you provide?
Sports spread betting provide spread bets. Please see our example above to see how spread betting works.
How do I cancel my subscription if I no longer wish to subscribe?
All payments are made through ClickBank. which is a secure online merchant account, you can can cancel by stopping your subscription payment via Clickbank or emailing us directly.
Guarantee Your Space and Join Sports Spread betting Service Today
£25 per Month
Monthly Subscription

Please Note: Your credit card statement will show a charge by ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM as opposed to a charge directly related to Betinfo24 or the service you have joined.
At Betinfo24, we have a full 60 day money back guarantee in place. Should you be unhappy with the service you have joined then you will be entitled to a no-questions-asked full refund.
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